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    Type: Posts; Hội viên: VinhL; Từ hoặc Câu:

    Tìm Kiếm: thời gian kiếm là 0.01 giây.

    1. Trả lời
      Lần đọc

      "Now that the brain data and all this clinical...

      "Now that the brain data and all this clinical data are coming out, that is starting to change. People are a lot more accepting [of meditation]," says Lazar. "But there are still some people who will...
    2. Trả lời
      Lần đọc

      There are hundreds of ways to meditate but this...

      There are hundreds of ways to meditate but this morning I'm trying a form of Buddhist mindfulness meditation called open monitoring, which involves paying attention to your experience in the present...
    3. Trả lời
      Lần đọc

      Explosion of research Unexpected discoveries...

      Explosion of research

      Unexpected discoveries naturally meet skepticism. Blackburn and Epel struggled initially to publish their boundary-crossing paper. "Science [one of the world's leading...
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      Lần đọc

      Thiền = Giãm Già Sống Lâu?

      Tặng các bạn bài này từ Cnn:

      Can meditation really slow aging?

    kết quả từ 1 tới 4 trên 4